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Information Services & Technology wants you to have access to the information that you need. These links provide direct access to academic, technical and safe reporting resources. Below, you will find a list of commonly used pages on the UM Website and external resources.
Adobe ID Student Sign UpBanner Self ServiceCampus SafetyCanvaCanvasCarmichael LibraryOffice of Student AccountsColleges at UMComputer LabsCounseling ServicesDining and Falcon FoodsDynamic FormsFalcon PrintFalcon Success CenterHarbert Writing CenterInformation Services & TechnologyPassword ResetRegistrar’s OfficeSolution CenterStudent Email PortalStudent Health ServicesUM Cares and Maxient Reporting
Apple Education Pricing
Buy Apple products at a discount! The discount is available to current and newly accepted students and their parents.
Go to Apple Education Pricing for more information.
Instructional Documents
Adobe ID Student Sign Up and Lab UsageStep by step instructions on setting up your student email on an AndroidStep by step instructions on setting up your student email on an iPhone
Resetting UM Password
IS&T is making it easier than ever for you to reset your password if you ever forget it or get locked out. We have collaborated with Microsoft to use their self-service password reset utility.
Visit Office 365, and complete the sign-up process using your existing UM email address, username@forum.rrmbaojie.com and password that you login with today.
After you complete the registration process you can click on “Can’t access your account?” on the sign on page to reset or unlock your account from any device.
The University of Montevallo has a number of software programs and apps available at no cost for students. Learn more about available software on the Software and Systems webpage.